
My industry is:

  • Sorters
  • Agricultural products
  • Industrial products
  • X-ray Inspection
  • Food
  • Industrial products
  • Public places

My business scene:

Amazing! Why is Meyer AI Sorter a favourite with Indian customers?

Recently, an Indian rice plant, Muralimohana Rice Industries, held a ceremony celebrating introduction of Meyer AI Sorter into its new production line. The machine was decorated as follows:

(PS: It's hard to imagine how important the machine is to this plant)

The owner is a devout Hindu and he believes that the grand ceremony is to get business booming.

"The optical sorters we used before are unable to separate the light yellow rice and milky rice efficiently.In addition, loss of good rice and poor quality of ejectors are not acceptable to us.Fortunately, Meyer AI Rice Sorter solved the above problems.It's the most reliable and value-added product I have ever experienced", said the owner.

More Meyer AI Sorters in India

(PS: Both of customers and sorters are beautiful. Religion and technology are what we have faith in.)